Classroom Procedures by Susan R. Runyon-Davis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
I post my expectations for class behavior on posters. These are my original ideas. I discuss my intent for each poster with my students.
1) The first poster states TEAM WORK: the way we get things done. I share with my students that I feel it is important for us to work together as a team to accomplish the task of learning mathematics.
2) The second poster states ATT²: Appropriate Team Talk and Appropriate Team Touch. We discuss what “appropriate” would mean in the classroom setting. I share my expectations that all talk should be encouraging, hands should be raised for questions or comments, and any conversation that occurs should be focused on the math content during instruction time. I ask for examples of appropriate team talk and appropriate team touch. Examples of “talk” are “way to go” and “good job;” examples of “touch” were “high five” or “bump knuckles.” (ATT² is read "A, T & T squared.")
3) The third poster states TEAM INTEGRITY: We trust each other to do the right thing at the right time. I explain that if we are going to be able to work as a team we have to learn to work together and to be able to trust that each person will do what is expected in order for learning to occur in class.
4) The fourth poster states TEAM ACCOUNTABILITY: We follow all policies and procedures of our local school and school district. I remind my students that they signed a statement at the beginning of the school year stating that they understood the local student handbook and the district student conduct manual. I share with them if they have any questions about the content of these items they could check their copy or discuss it with me. This is obviously my “catch-all” poster to cover me for any specifics not discussed concerning dress code and general school or district rules.