Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hear the lively sound!!!

When I was a girl scout, growing up in Illinois, I spent a couple of weeks in the summers at Camp Tapawingo. One of the songs that we learned was "Hear the lively sound of the frogs in yonder pond: crick, crick, crickety crick, burrrrrrrrum!" (I taught preschool for a couple of years and the kids love to sing the song.)

Well, presently behind my home in the meadow here in Tennessee, there is a pond; at least it is there when there is enough rain to accummulate. Early in the spring, at night fall until late into the night, you can hear the frogs chripping. Often when I come home at night from class I announce as I enter the house "I can hear the lively song of the frogs in yonder pond!" It gets sort of old for my family - but it brings me joy to say it. It is sort of like having a moment of memory back to my days at camp.

Sometimes we have tiny little frogs come up on our windows when it is dark outside and the kitchen lights are on. You can watch them catch the bugs that are attracked to the light. Later in the summer we can often see tree frogs around the house. The little guy in the picture was on the side of the house right off the deck so I could get a really good look at him. It was so cool to look at his feet and see the little suction pads that held him to the house. Amazing!

My mama and step-daddy are farmers in Illinois. Besides growing crops, they have a garden where they grow vegetables and my mama grows flowers. My mama and I often discuss bird and flower issues of interest. She made a comment one day that stuck with me. It is a joy to live close to the land. That's where I am in my life. I take comfort from co-habitating with God's awesome creation and I am greatful for the freedom that I have to live close to the land.
Later friends! SkyBlueSue

1 comment:

  1. Hello SkyBlue,
    Do you still remember all the parts to the Frog Pond Round? Some of us leaders sure would like to teach it to our girls , but we can't remember all the parts. Can you help us out? It's not in any of my old song books.
    Diamonds AOT
